Europe: The final countdown?
On the eve of the European Elections, I’m still in a genuine quandary about how best to make use of my vote.
Anyone who reads my journal on a regular basis will be unsurprised to learn that I’m an ardent Remainer, for whom these elections provide a last-ditch opportunity to turn the Brexit boat around and re-commit to Europe.
However, voting for a pro-EU, pro-Remain candidate isn’t my only consideration. I also want to vote tactically to keep right-wing populism, not to mention out-and-out fascism, at bay.
I don’t feel, in all good conscience, that I can currently vote for a Labour Party that has hedged its bets, equivocated and battled bitterly with itself over its position on Europe. Right now, I have no confidence that the party speaks for me, not only on this issue but also in relation to its inability to address instances of anti-Semitism from within its own ranks. I’ve been hugely upset by both these issues, in particular, over the last couple of years and, if the party leadership (like the Tory leadership) seriously thinks that formerly loyal voters deserted it in droves at the recent local elections in order to send a message to our politicians to ‘hurry up and get on with Brexit’ then things are even worse than I’d feared.
Moving on... Change UK hasn’t had a particularly confidence-inducing start to its political life and certainly hasn’t convinced me that it could organise a jumble sale, let alone ‘do a Macron’ – even if that is something to be desired. And I’m not sure that it is! So, they’re out of contention too, as far as I’m concerned.
Which, for those of us voting in England, just leaves the Green Party and the Lib Dems.
At the time of writing my heart is telling me to vote Green. The Green Party has a long standing commitment to Europe, to freedom of movement and to equality. Naturally, it also has a clear policy on climate change and the environment – surely the most globally significant issue of our times.
But my tactical head is telling me that the Lib Dems have the best chance of keeping the Brexit Party’s seats to a minimum. Yes, I still haven’t forgotten ‘the coalition years’ or their betrayal of their principles over tuition fees. But, would they be the most pragmatic choice? Most research I’ve looked at suggests that they are the English tactical Remain voter’s best bet in the circumstances.
Clearly, the electorate in the other nations of the UK has other options available, and I hope that they use them wisely!
Yes, the European Union is far from perfect and, like any institution, can always do with self-examination and reform. But I fervently believe that it’s been responsible for unprecedented levels of peace and stability across Europe throughout my lifetime. It’s helped to guard against extremism, it’s protected human rights and it’s generally been a force for good. I believe in freedom of movement, a customs union, a single market, and I love the cultural and scientific exchange and collaboration that it encourages. I genuinely think that we’re stronger, better informed, better educated, better cared for, healthier, safer, and better off, together. In Europe. It’s still not too late to sort this mess out!
I still don’t know whether I’ll go with my head or my heart tomorrow but… for our own sakes, and for the sakes of the generations to come, as Al Green sings, ‘Let’s Stay Together’!
I know there’ll be many who disagree with me but I say all of the above with complete sincerity. Lots of love to all xx
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