Dolly and the wonky walls
The kitchen is requiring more input than I was able to give via phone and text so I took some time off today, it's so much easier to make decisions face to face. The main issue is that there isn't actually a straight wall in the house, a problem when you're trying to square everything off. The building is well over 120 years old, we just got a copy of the title deeds and the land was purchased in 1857, I guess they didn't have spirt levels then. Our poor builder was a bit concerned at first but we have come up with some clever bodges and solutions that should be pretty much undetectable unless you know where to look. It's so much better than what we had and it is really starting to come together now, very pleased with it.
We went a walk in the evening, my migraine had carried over during the day so I had a nap. Beautiful view walking home, managed to catch a couple of boats coming up the Clyde.
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