
By JulesB

A Peaceful Day Weds 22nd!

I managed to master the local buses and visited Zilker Botanical Gardens. I felt confident as I followed my progress on my phone (new found skill of the holiday). and was able to get off at the correct spot. The gardens were lovely and had very few visitors so as a result they were very peaceful. I sat for a long while in the Japanese Gardens and enjoyed looking at the reflections and the interaction of tiny waves created by the water. I found a comfy bench and read for most of the morning. In the afternoon I walked over to the Umlauf Sculpture Gardens - again a beautifully peaceful spot.The garden had been the home for many years of sculpture Charles Umlauf and his wife and children. There were over 50 sculptures in the garden which he left to the the city on his death as a thank you for all he had received from the city ove rthe 40 years he had lived and worked there. He was a tutor at the University as well as producing many works which are in many collections around the world. I couldn't choose a favourite but I have added the Mother and Child as an extra. It was under trees and as the breeze kept moving the leaves, I took lots of different pictures as the light and shadows fell in different places. 
The tour guide 2 days ago had recommended a barbecue place so as I passed it on the bus I decided to give it a go for my evening meal. Quite an experience but the staff were very happy to recommend things and explain how to collect my food. The brisket was bought by weight and my goodness it was gorgeous. Caught the bus back and have had time to organise my pictures and catch up a bit.. 
I think I've got a bit muddled with the dates as my computer is still in UK time so I've had to post this as the 21st!

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