Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2019 Wednesday — Evaluation Done

Mr. Fun did it again!

He’s been telling me lately, “I prayed you into this job; now, I’m going to pray you out of this job.”

The day I had my first of several interviews for this job 28 years ago, he went up to Mt. Rubidoux to pray for me to be successful in that first very competitive round of interviewing. I was told later that 370 people applied for the job.

Today he parked his vehicle at 9:30 above the college on the soccer field parking lot to pray for me as I had my grand finale I-of-I meeting (improvement of instruction), which is a wordy title for evaluation.

I squirm a lot every 3-years when I live through this semester-long ordeal. This is the last time because retirement will arrive at the threshold of my life next year—2020 (details on that later).

I phoned him at 10:30 to tell him the meeting was an A+ moment; he could leave the soccer area.

Then at 3:00 pm I phoned him again to let him know I had exited the Writing Lab without an umbrella nor a coat; it was pouring rain and thundering. He told me “stay put” and drove from home onto private college roads right to where I was to rescue me.

He chauffeured me home to the gifts he bought me to celebrate that my I-of-I was finished ~~ a Stevie Nicks rocking CD, some bubbly, and the “cookie” card! (“Cookie” was my nickname when he married me.) This has been a very good day!

AND this is Anniversary month!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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