Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea


But not as I know it. Arrived at the gym at six am for a class and only one other person turned up. The coach thought it a good idea, at six am, to add to the workout what I feel is quite a risky move for someone as clumsy as me. Burpee box climb overs. So a burpee, then climb on to the two 30" boxes piled on top of each other. Then hop off the other side, into a burpee and repeat the process.

The instruction written on the box doesn't exactly fill me with confidence over its stability as one unit, let alone the two on top of each other. 

To share the full awful (and wonderful) ness of the workout in case anyone wants to give it a bash- 500m ski erg, then 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 barbell thrusters and burpee box jump overs alternating, then 500m ski. That's 55 reps of each. 

Then a quick shower and into work. 

I'm mainly blipping this so I can blip the bruises that appear in the coming days. And yes, that it my leg on top of it. The coach filmed me moaning about it and I screenshotted from the film. 

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