
I may have appointed myself today’s supper provider, but that didn’t stop me from jaunting to Johnstone’s of Elgin this morning for a very civilised coffee in their café. What made me choose a rocky road cake as an accompaniment, I‘ll never know, but suffice it to say I could only manage half of it before I imagined I could develop diabetes. The other half was kept for future eating........

The next mistake was to buy the wine and everything else I required for the meal before having a look around the High Street. The weight of shopping certainly reduced any activity of a frivolous nature.

In the afternoon the other Granny drove me to Findhorn for tea and a scone. It’s always interesting to make a survey of scones in other areas- and Findhorn is such a pretty little place even in dreich weather.

And so the rocky road (I have of course eaten the other half)and the scone are bad news for my calorie ingestion , not to mention the wine and post prandial chocolates yet to come, but I am on my holidays after all........

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