
By PeteWpics

Love in the mist

When we bought our house we inherited electric gates which are operated by phone. This is not as posh as it sounds. They are in fact two rusty constructions of wrought iron with arms welded to them powered by electric motors and connected to a box containing a sim card. I have been wary of parking too close to the gates in case someone somewhere phones a wrong number and that number happens to be the number to our gate. 
This morning we were confronted with a different problem. I went to open the gate before our floor layer arrived so he could park in the drive (I will blip the new floor when it's finished). The gates refused to budge. My phone kept telling me "this number has not been recognised". After much taking sim out and pushing it back in I had to jump on my bike and hare into town to get another sim (after having just completed 15km on my new exercise bike, this was a bit much for a 67 yr old geezer). Job done. 

Later that morning I went into town to visit the local branch of our B*****ys Bank. I was a bit confused to find that it was closed at 10.30am until I espied a poster in the window saying in effect that it would be closed at 10.30am every day and every other time of every day - permanently. It had apparently closed last week and we had had no notification of this among the reams of junk mail they usually send us. Oh well, on of those days. 

Here's a blip of the first Love in the Mist flower to bloom in the garden. Actually three others came into flower on the same day but I've had my eye on this one and it is the biggest. Blatant favouritism I know. 

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