Henry and I plant the cemetery...

Dear Diary,

Up early, it will take a couple of days to get back to local time!, and off to Hudson to plant flowers at my parents and grandmother’s graves for Memorial Day which is this weekend. It is 31st time I’ve done it but it was Henry’s first time helping. He helped pick out the beautiful geraniums, pink for my grandmother’s side and these lovely coral ones for my parents.

While I weeded and planted, Henry filled them in on our grand adventure in Ireland. There was so much to tell! Then off for a quick lunch and a stop at the car wash in New Hampshire where something from under the car fell off as I pulled out! I stopped at my mechanic’s and he said it is some exhaust cover and not to worry so I didn’t. Arriving home was such a delight, grass mowed, flowers blooming and Auntie’s tree in full bloom! Hooray! I quickly discovered that the bears had had a field day while I was gone, stole the feeder (it’s squirrel proof, not bear proof!) and emptied my cans of seed and peanuts. The critters will have to wait one more day. I’m way too tired to go out again! So good to be home.

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