When did he get so big?

The  husband had a half day today as the eldest had a hospital appointment this afternoon.  I had managed to book a meeting that I couldn't move that clashed with the appointment (and of course, this morning had the call that the key person at the meeting wasn't well, so it all got cancelled  haven't told the husband that bit yet).

Anyway, it was a good appointment and the consultant apparently seems very good, so we're making some progress.  Sadly means that the eldest will have a small operation in the autumn.  What was really touching was him sitting on my knee when I got home and telling me all about his appointment with the doctor, everything the doctor had done and what was going to happen. 

There was a trip to the park near the hospital after the appointment for the husband and eldest and some ice-cream involved.  

I had a super productive day and got through more work than I had hoped, so feeling a bit better about things. Hopefully will be the same tomorrow, and we can go away for the weekend feeling a little bit in control of life! 

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