All The Women, All the Women...

Anna and Linzi and Morti And Callie and Dave too.

Tooli travelled to Edinburgh today to catch up, albeit quickly, with her University alumni. 

How is it that she can leave home, travel across the world, work on farms, get fired, get herself two office jobs, travel to bali, live through three earthquakes, and I fear for her life travelling back from Edinburgh to Glasgow  at night. 

Seriously.  I kid you not,  I was contemplating getting out of bed at 11 to  head to glasgow to take her off the Edinburgh train and save her the run across Glasgow City centra at that time of night ... and the joys of the midnight train down the road from Glasgow. 

But when I woke groggily and text "are you okay".... the text came back really quickly.... "Mum  I'm In Bed.  Go to Sleep".  

Yeah, I totally missed her coming home. 

Ha ha ha ha ha 

(But I do say Thank you, to the lady on the train who stepped in and told the drunk that my daughter did not want to be indulging in political conversations)  :-)   Yeah, we have very high class drunks around here. 

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