
By biddy

Goodbye surgical stockings!

Today I felt liberated! NO more stockings after wearing them day and night except for in the shower! 
 I attempted to "draw" some faces using an Edit. 
A kind of homage to Nature Watcher who discarded hers earlier in the year, after a heart operation. 
I've copied the link to her photo of discarding them.          

A visit to the Physio at the hospital this morning, for a consultation and
recap on what kinds of exercises are helpful and those which are definitely best to completely avoid. 
Then a gentle reminder that it is only 6 weeks along the road to full  recovery and to make sure I look after myself. There is still another 6 weeks to go. 
I found it really helpful and reassuring to know that tiredness is only to be expected, like after a walk, so to make sure I rest!! 
Sound advice. 
 But I passed the halfway mark today and it feels good!

                 Oh and the Prime Minister resigned today! Just thought I'd                           mention it!  

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