A path though the grass

Carlisle Cathedral were having a Tower Open Day today and Gordon signed up for a tour this morning. I decided against it - 117 steps!! And went to have my hair cut instead.

I took this photo as I was passing, thinking it was appropriate, being the tower. However, it turned out that they were talking about the bell tower and the clerestory, which I now think is a passage above the nave. So he didn't get to the top of the tower and learnt all about bell ringing instead. He said it was very good though and well worth doing.

I actually took the photo from this side to show what the cathedral does about grass cutting - just cuts a path through and leaves the rest wild. Why this isn't done more I don't know. I'm getting very annoyed at seeing so many huge swathes of cut grass where nothing can grow - for no reason except to be neat and tidy. 

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