Medal of Honor
We started the day with a low tide walk on the beach. I was enjoying nature's still lifes scattered along the shore, but on the other end of the sand a bulldozer was working hard to remove the piles of seaweed in time to have a clean beach for the big Memorial Day weekend. We spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out exactly what he was so intent on accomplishing; he'd run the machine back and forth, pushing the seaweed and the sand around, and every once in awhile he'd scoop up a big pile of vegetation and drive a good ways down the beach and up toward the road, where he would dump the seaweed. We could make no sense of it, since the load was placed right where the tourists enter the casino. I've put a shot in Extras to show the scope of the project. It was an interesting day's work that made no sense to us, but must, we hope, have an excellent reason behind it.
The weather cooperated to give us a lovely afternoon to watch our granddaughter graduate from our local Cabrillo Community College.
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