
Pluen ~ Feather

Always seeing something, never seeing nothing, being photographer —Walter De Mulder

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Rhedais i 6K y bore 'ma ( cyn daeth y glaw.  Rydw i'n trio ymestyn y pellter tipyn bach pan rydw i'n teimlo rydw i'n gallu. Efallai, ymhen ychydig fisoedd y bydda i'n trio 7K. Rydw i'n rhedeg dau ddiwrnod ac yn orffwys ar y drydydd diwrnod. Mae'r gorffwys yn mor bwysig â rhedeg.

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I ran 6K this morning ( before the rain came. I'm trying to extend the distance a little when I feel I can. Perhaps in a few months I will try 7K. I run two days and rest on the third day. The rest is as important as running.

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