Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Ahead of the Showers

Having a great Christmas with sons and their girlfriends here in Carradale. There was an eventful start to the day when Mrs B managed to cut the tip off a finger while chopping onions with a razor sharp knife she got as a Christmas present! As she was incapacitated from preparing food, sons and I had to step into the breech and for the first time ever prepare Christmas dinner. It was a team effort and it was all done in no time at all.

There was even time for a walk on the beach in early afternoon. We tried to time it between showers but got caught in the last half mile and ended up pretty wet. Never mind, it helped build up the appetite for what hopefully will be a great Christmas dinner.

We have had the fizz, eaten the nibbles and now there are the wonderful aromas of turkey and fillet steak cooking coming from the kitchen. Time to go and wish everyone a very merry Christmas - have a great time!

Blip is of son #1 and SuzyQ as we made our way back along the beach with the shower that caught us starting to show in the clouds.

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