We Don't Need No Education
My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess,
Today's picture is very Pink Floyd, no? There is no real reason for this. I remember Soozle was very into Pink Floyd back in the day and loved "The Wall" but said it was so depressing she could only enjoy it once a year, and it would then take her a week to recover from it.
See, this is why I prefer The Nolan Sisters. I can listen to "I'm In The Mood For Dancing" multiple times in one day and still feel good about myself.
Monday has not much to say for itself. It was not by any means a bad day, but of no import. We watched the end of the first series of "Line of Duty" which left Caro quite exhausted. We would also like to take you, Princess, to account for not mentioning how "torturey" it is.
Honestly, you should have seen us. Caro, looking away, me with the sound right down, Caro asking "Is it over yet? Is it finished?" and me replying, "Yes. No! Look away! Now it's finished. No, no, it's not!"
Seriously, if you are going to torture someone DO IT IN ONE SCENE, none of this coming back to it malarkey.
But however. We also watched the end of "American Horror Story: Apocalypse" which was really good fun. It included the wonderfully catty line, "I can no more explain your presence than I can explain your hair."
So that was it. Monday. Another Brick in the Wall Part 9,758.
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