Searching for that inner peace

I got this little statue as a present a couple of years ago and have to say that it always struck me as a bit strange, a Buddha/Bodhisattva covering his ears seemed a bit out of character. But it comes in handy to symbolise my mood today, inner peace is hard to find with all the disconcerting news, like the overall results of the EU elections in all the countries concerned. I'm truly saddened and disgusted and very worried by the rise of nationalism and actual fascism all over Europe. We're to commemorate 75 years of freedom for Western Europe soon, but too many people seem to forget how those wars started.

Anyway, I'm hoping that somehow we can stop this worrying trend before it is too late. For MonoMonday with thanks to nickimags888 for hosting this month.

We have of course reached home after 4 weeks of our Scottish adventure and in between the unpacking and starting  loads of laundry I did find some time to have a look at all the Abstract Thursday entries from last Thursday. I have sprinkled stars only , sorry, no comments this week, I'll try to do better next time. This coming Thursday the optional theme is 'natural' , take that however you want, as long as it fairly abstract. The tag will be AT205.

Last Thursday's specials amongst an amazing collection of entries:

Thanks again for all the entries, looking forward to your entries this Thursday :-)

And thank you all very much for the continued kind comments, stars and faves for my Blips on holiday :-)

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