
By HannahA

Merry Christmas!

Today has been the best Christmas!
I got everything I asked for, and more!

This was taken before dinner was severed, this is where Dad sits hence why it says 'Head Chef'!

My brothers thought that because they both got up at 5 that they should wake me up! So I have been awake since 5....
Everyone was very pleased with what they got.
Dad did an amazing job at cooking the dinner (like he does every Christmas!)
We're all stuffed with turkey, and watching Christmas Strictly Come Dancing (I say all, but apart from Mum, who has crashed out on the sofa!), Doctor Who was on a while ago (I was too much of a whimp to watch it, the picture just made me scared!), so I went up and watched a few Miranda's from the box set that I got of hers today.

I hope that you have all had a wonderful day, and I hope you all got everything that you wanted!

Thank you Mum and Dad for all of your lovely presents that you got me, I am a very lucky girl! Love you both lots and lots!

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