Left early this morning to see if I could see the little fawn, but no sign of it, however I did see the heron, but really liked my main blip of the canal, so I have used it. The heron is in extras. After I came home Daisy was looking out of the window, and I wondered why she was shaking so much, and then I saw why, see the extras. Lol.
My eldest son turned up for lunch, followed by the plumber, so the good news is they did not need to dig up the floor, although it did take all afternoon. Now I have roasting hot heaters, but because of all that I did not get to the doctors about my finger. It is not quite so painful although it is swollen and very red. I am bathing it in the hope that whatever is in there comes out, but I will have to get it seen to tomorrow.
Forgot to  mention I heard my first Cuckoo this morning.
Off now to clear up the kitchen now that the plumber has gone.
Thank you for the lovely response for yesterday's blip.

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