One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye


Whoever said that posed family shots taken with a tripod and timer are naff.

That someone*
- does not have a clue
- or a tripod
- or my family

It has been a fun and stress-free Christmas.
The kids are happy. Very much so.
And now as the evening progresses and the fire is blazing and Pepe is singing Sinatra songs and the kids are happily crashed in bed (they may sleep for 92 continuous hours), that Christmas thing really makes sense.

God forbid, I'd almost be feeling teary now.
And it is not the lack of sleep. Or the fine selection of champagne, wines and port. Or the fact that at 9.30 am I had already set up the wireless on a 3DS, assembled a Playmobil police car, a Playmobil police helicopter and a Playmobil bin truck. Oh, and danced to Rasputin on the Wii with Mimi.
I no longer feel a bit teary now. My face is flooded with tears.

Oh, and I saw Pepe and Nana eat sushi!

* come to think of it, it was me about 10 years ago...

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