Just a parrot's life

By ellenparrots

Update Tommy

Update Tommy: Dr Yvonne van Zeeland was very positive about Tommy's condition. His weight is also back to normal (he gained quite some weight because of the Prednisolon). She took blood and will send it to the lab. Now we again are going to try to cut down the Tramadol (painkiller) and the Prednisolon but very very slowly. Lets hope it will work out. He was so very brave, as always! Thanks to Yvonne and not to forget dr. Nico Schoemaker for the wonderful care for my grey buddy 

Important note! Dr Yvonne confirmed that there aren't articles (scientific ones) about this kind of gastritis which Tommy is troubling with!. Isn't that something???? Why do I have that again. Pffft LOL.  (referring to sennie Mickey who was diagnosed with Cushings). 

Latest update: https://www.facebook.com/1848923640/posts/10211428120459225 

Diagnose: https://www.facebook.com/ellen.uittenbogaard/posts/10210847000571591 

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