
By tondrijfhamer

Lesson 3

It's Wednesday again, and that means another lesson of the photography course. Tonight no theory lesson, but a practical lesson in the harbour of Delfzijl.
At 19.30 hours everybody arrived and we started with a cup of coffee in restaurant De Boegschroef (that's Dutch for Bow Thruster). The group mood was enthusiastic immediately. Everybody looked forward to practising the theory of the past two lessons, and most of them showed results of photos they'd made during the past week.

After the coffee we started practising on the so called floating jetty in the harbour. Practising with small and large depth of field was on! The boats, ships and tugs docked on the jetty were perfect subjects for that.

When the sun started to set behind the horizon we all went to the nearby beach and switched to practising with short and longer shutterspeed. Everybody was pleasantly surprised that even their camera could produce photos with that nice soft silky look of the water. An eyeopener!
Although the lesson was planned to last until 21.30 hours, we stopped around 22.30 hours.

We couldn't  have had better weather! No wind, beautiful light. A great evening! 
Next week it's back to theory. It'll be all about composition then. (Can you see the Z-shape in this photo by the way??)
The week after that, on June 12th, we'll be practising that at the Groningen Central Station.

For now the extra long weekend can start! Tomorrow and Friday I won't be working (except for a few things a can do at home for a few clients; 2 hours max).

Good night!

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