Little Head!

Here is my little 10 cm tallhead with her gerbera hat! I love her! It's going to be so much fun chosing her hat! 
A bit of an annoying day - I had to go up to the allotment to change the battery as the coop member who opened didn't change it over - she just told me it was flat! Grrr! She said she hadn't seen the post on the chicken coop facebook page that a spare was kept in the shed! I had arranged with The Exile on out impromptu morning walk to put up an arch, and she was then going to help me build my mini greenhouse on the plot. With my digestive system squirly I decided to just do the battery and then go and help with her arch. However she surprised me on the allotment with Ginger!  She picked some wild rocket from my plot then we returned home and she took Oscar as I had a lie down - the only position that relieves it. An hour later and feeling better I went up for dinner in her garden! Oscar finally succeeded in getting Ginger to play with him! They had a right old rough session which made us both laugh! Ginger got him into  a submissive position every time! But then wjen she walked away he would be right back at her! 

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