The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

Christmas Reflections

The Christmas season is a source of a lot of stress for many people, as they attempt to create the perfect holiday for family, friends, and especially for small children. Baking, decorating, shopping, wrapping, menu planning, and attending parties, all while working and taking care of every day life, can really wear a person out.

This year, our entire family decided to take a break from the insanity, limit gift exchange, and concentrate on just being together. We ended up cooking lots of great food, laughing, telling stories, listening to music, and even having a heated discussion or two.

We usually spend Christmas in Upstate New York, where we were treated to a nice dusting of snow, and everyone healthy for a change. This evening, I passed by the tree and noticed this very old ornament. It's two-toned, hand-painted colors are pink, silver and an odd golden shade. It is rather small, yet sparkled in the glow of the tree lights, and beckoned me to photograph it.

I love to just sit and stare at Christmas Trees. It is very relaxing, and allows me to reflect on all of the wonderful memories I have of this magical holiday.

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