
By BikerJim

~A Distant Sunset~

~Kitt Peak National Observatory~
~Screen Left On Up On Kitt Peak~
~Maybe 45 Miles or 72 Kilometers Away~

I went up to Sunset Ridge tonight hoping against hope that I might glimpse some semblance of color in the dusky evening sky. It was cloudy most of the afternoon and the late afternoon sky didn't clear up at all. So I started to packed it in and head down the mountain for home and a bit of turkey dinner. But as I looked up from packing my gear away, I spied a distant tinge of orange and red starting to appear in the far off southwest. Lets just see what happens to those creeping hues! The turkey slices and stuffing, cranberry sauce, that glass of wine and the pumpkin pie with whipped cream will keep a little bit longer. But I digress, back to Sunset Ridge and those far off mountain ranges as seen through the haze of great distance. Well, this is the product of my patience when I chose a cold and windy hillside view over a warm home and a tasty meal. I was so glad that I waited, and you know what? Later on when I got home my house was still warm and the meal tasted even better knowing I had been rewarded with this distant sunset view.

I hope you and yours had a Happy Holiday weekend, TucsonJim ;o)

A Bigger Reason For Dinner To Wait

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