Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Up early

Initially I wasn't going to be getting up at 5am to watch Blaine open his presents, but my internal 'mummy' clock woke me at 3.30am this morning, so when I heard Blaine getting up I thought I can't miss him opening his presents, he was thrilled with his gifts, but more importantly is thrilled to have a 20hr run to enjoy them in, he's got it all planned to go to bed at 1am

So here's my 'little' composer, poet and writer opening his gifts on boxing day! Later he'll be playing some 'Muse' tunes on his keyboard and playing some Just Cause 2 on his PS3 and some Tag Force 5 on his PSP....his kinda day!

Now to wait for 'Madame' to wake up so we can take her Scooter out for a wee spin.

Then I think a cooked 'brunch' is on the cards, some cheesy scrambled eggs with crispy bacon on toast would go down well with a tall glass of cold orange juice.

My little brother is coming over this afternoon with his wife so that should be good company.

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