Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

When one door closes . . .

Last night the squatter across the street created an unholy brouhaha.
My choice of nouns is not emotional, purely factual.
Normally he attracts no attention and inhabits an otherwise vacant and tasty piece of High Street accommodation. He's doing so much better for himself than oh-so-many others reliant upon doorway-and-duvet accommodation in this locale.
But last night he rolled home fundamentally incapacitated whilst retaining his sturdy grasp on the neck of the half-empty bottle of Rum in his right hand. He'd locked himself out and needed to find a way in. Propping pallets against the wall and teetering along the first floor fascia were involved.
At length he succeeded. The Police were not called. A great deal of damage was caused to the external fabric of the shop beneath, which was still open and trading throughout the nonsense.
Hard-working brown people tolerating white fools is what makes Britain great!

WaterAid (Festivals) had failed to acknowledge receipt of my notification that I needed to withdraw from voluntary services on the grounds of physiological trauma. Without acknowledgement I believed it only fair and proper to make absolutely sure that my notification had been received, and the only route I could find to do that was to fill out an online form to WaterAid (SupporterCare).
The only applicable option from their drop-down menu for “subject” was “Complaint”, so that is what I used. I sent it twice, just to be sure.

That worked! I received a personal call from a very busy woman who had been oh-so-friendly until quite recently but who had a very different attitude towards a person in distress. Sorry WaterAid-Festivals, you really aren't very nice people, you're right up there with RyanAir.

I'd had my heart set on doing something mighty; being part of a team doing same – establishing friendships with similarly-motivated people.

Checking personal emails after I had cycled home from work (because cycling is SO much easier than walking) I found that I had been invited to join in a different Women v Cancer cycling across Costa Rica challenge.
One I might just be up for.

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