All aboard

slow start to the day as there was no ballet and tap. The boys went to rugby as usual and the girls popped to Waitrose - never easy to pop into Waitrose, but managed to only spend £40 which I consider quite a result.

Home, we started on Munchies Brownie Painting badge and had great fun doing it. We went Jackson Pollockesque in the garden with paint splattering and then bike riding through it, even Beryl got in on the action (see extra)

Headed round to  No.1's as they had their railway open - it was lovely, the sun shone and the children absolutely loved it. By the end of our time there, Wom was driving one of the trains on his own! (see other extra extra)

Auntie Sarah and Ottillie came for tea, we then chucked them all in the bath!

two absolutely shattered children put to bed

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