Tree Bumble bee

A lovely lazy start at the hotel with breakfast in the hotel before going to pick up Teenager  at University as she has now finished first year. She was mostly packed and her friends helped load the car so after a little cleaning we were off.  She was looking a little sleepy having not been to bed at all, she said it wasn't worth it after being out at the night club.

An uneventful journey home and a quiet afternoon. While looking for a blip I spotted lots of bees on the Cotoneaster including this one I hadn't seen before. I looked it up to discover it was a Tree Bumble bee which only arrived in the UK in 2001 and is spreading North. It arrived in Scotland in 2013 and we are now on it's northern edge. I have sent in my record of it and will look out for more.

The boys are glued to the football which is just starting so it will not be a quiet night.

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