Batson, Cunningham and Regis

This brand new statue was unveiled in West Bromwich on 21 May, 2019.  It is called "Celebration" and portrays three West Bromwich Albion footballers -Brendan Batson, Laurie Cunningham and Cyrille Regis - 3 very talented your black players who were pioneers in fighting for equality in the game of Football.  It has taken a long time to get the money together for this statue, but has finally been sorted out.  Good to see.

And it was good to get back to doing something a little different from sorting out a funeral and associated things.

Many of you have been kind enough to ask me how my father is doing after Mom died exactly a week ago.  He is coping fairly well - keeping himself busy finding out bits and pieces he thinks might help me.  He is also more interested in doing little jobs around the house than he has been for years.  I think he is enjoying having a bit more time to himself.  Having said that, he is very quiet and seemed very down yesterday.  A little better today.  He could do with a few more visitors really.  Rob and I seem to be the only ones.

Current crisis is what to wear for the funeral - three dresses to pick from...

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