The World's Friendliest Butterfly
We had some things to do around the house on this day. My husband wanted to get up on the roof and sweep it off and clean the gutters. He is never allowed to get up on the ladder without me there to assist. So I held the ladder and he got up on the roof. Then I was the step-and-fetch girl. Bring me this; here, take that.
And during the time that we were out, we were well attended by butterflies. First there was a red-spotted purple, and then a tiger swallowtail. Both of them had their own tasks about the yard: flittering this way and that, sampling the flowers, keeping us company.
The red-spotted purple (Limenitis arthemus), which you may view above (just LOOK at that hot proboscis action!), spent several hours hanging around the front porch, sitting on garden gloves, and finally making itself at home on a pair of swim shorts my husband had worn at Whipple Dam the day before.
It was absolutely the friendliest butterfly I have ever met. It was never far from the porch; never far from me; and it did not seem at all bothered by my approach. And when I went out once, and it wasn't there, I spoke the magic words out loud: "I wonder - Where is my BUTTERFLY?"
And at once, it appeared, flying quickly, showing up out of nowhere, as though it were my loyal pet, my rescuer, or possibly my best friend. Finally, hours later, it disappeared, and I have not seen it since.
Here is an enduring truth: A friendship does not have to last forever to be important or meaningful. What beautiful hours we spent together: just me, and the world's friendliest butterfly.
The soundtrack: James Taylor and Carole King, with You've Got a Friend.
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