Mono Monday - Check
We have had a holiday Monday today for West Australia Day. I made the most of it this morning and did quite a few jobs around the place that i’ve been putting off for ages!
Then we had lunch and I got back to the book i’ve been reading. I hadn’t seen Toto for a while and thought I should just check on him. And this is where I found him snoozing on the new chair!! Bit of back story, Toto has developed arthritis in his back legs and hasn’t been able to jump up on any chairs or beds for a few months now.
Over the last few weeks he seems to have been making a bit of a recovery by doing things he hasn’t been able to do, mostly running around the house a bit although still not jumping up on chairs. So finding him on this chair was a pleasant surprise as he had done it all himself!!
The chair is fairly low to the ground so I think he has finally realized he can do it!! Yay!!! : o)
My cleaner asked if I wanted two of these chairs that were being thrown out at one of his other jobs. I wanted them but had nowhere but the rooftop garden to put them and he said he would lug them up there for me!! Toto seems pleased about that!!
Big thanks to Laurie for hosting MM and for finding the best jokes ;;o)xx
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