Time Flies!

Oscar had his first 1.1 traning session today! I was alarmed before I even got him out of the car as there were hens roaming around - but luckily they were the other side of the car and the field we were training in meant I could swiftly get him out of bounds! Unfortunatly once we got to the training field we had to return as I had forgotten my water bottle! We sat in a shed with a screen and Oscar patiently sat and watched the hens as we talked - the cheeky things came right up to drink out of the dog water bowl just by the shed! Oscar shuffled in his seated position but didn't bark or try to get at them! 
The trainer talked about how the dogs brain turned to mush during adolescence and not to expect him to calm down till he was 3!! Yikes! But she had lots of positive advice re training, although she said it would be harder as he was too big for a long training lead! We set back out to the field and he excelled! He stopped and stayed and waited for his cue to "Go play!" and then came when called to me and to her! She was well impressed with him and me, saying with someone else he could be problematic but I was doing everything right! So I got the reassurance I needed that I was doing things right, and will be returning for training on diverting his chase instinct and dropping down on command! When I went to pay her she said it didn't seem right as she hadn't done anything because he was so good! WooHoo! Long may he remain like this! 
I then went into Launceston and Pets world to buy food for all the animals and then popped into M&S for treats for myself!
I'm watering my neighbours plants whilst she is in Greece - her partner booked it as she is suffering anxiety and grief from the passing of her dad. Hopefully it will do her some good but I hope he's not expecting it to retore her fully - only time can do that. She has closed the Fish and Chip shop she ran and has put it up for sale. Anyway ,I love this old Time recorder they have in their house - her husband picked it up from a building site he was on! I took a better photo of it but liked the blur given it's a clock! Bet the workers who clocked in on it hoped time would fly!

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