I'm Moving On *

I spent today in a Planning a for Retirement Course - it is something I've been thinking about for a while (although I prefer to think about about it as not-working-full-time-in-a-permanent-job-again).  I was orginally planning on winding down next year - going to 0.8 then 0.6 with a view to leaving next summer, perhaps sooner, perhaps later. However once I started thinking about the more I realised that the the time was right *now* to go, so I am leaving at the end of July ! 

It will be quite a change - I have been working at the same place for over 30 years (in a variety of roles) but now have only 30 working days** left (yikes !) as I have annual leave booked for early July.

Future plans are still emerging and they include spending more time with MrT, selling our place in Edinburgh and living in Pitlochry full-time, building an extension,  getting involved more in the community there. We are also planning a road trip to France.  Engagement with blip will remain and increase (of course). 

I will be visiting Edinburgh regularly to see family & friends (including my wonderful Book Group) as well as theatre and galleries.  

It's a big step but is the right one: some feelings of trepidation but many more feelings of exictement  & looking forward to reinventing myself ! 

* Have a listen to the wonderful Rosanne Cash version of this
** Have alreday been banned by the office from daily updates on my countdown. 

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