Grateful Days

By Nickimags888

Tiny Tuesday - New Adult Lady and Casing

I discovered this yellowy orange spotless ladybird and empty casing this morning. I'm pretty sure it's a new emerged ladybird and presume it's recently come out of that case. How exciting!

I've swapped photos and added the original to extras.

According to the Ladybug Planet website: "
A newborn ladybug can be of any color depending on their species. They can be pink, red, orange, yellow or even black. As a result, a particular color of ladybug species does not indicate the stage of their lifecycle.
The spots on their back, though, can be used to determine whether they’re newly transformed ladybugs or not. Newly emerged ladybugs tend to have light or faded spots since the hard shell protecting the inner wings is not yet fully matured. As a result, the colors are not as saturated." Interesting eh?

Thanks so much to LoisBiz for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month.

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