Well, after days of rain I woke at 4.45am, so decided since it was dry and rain was expected later, to head for the canal. Thrilled to see the swan family, they came to me for their tin of sweet corn, which they love. Could not decide which photo to use, the other one is in extras. I chose this one as it would let you see the size they are now. They are now five weeks old, but looking more like swans. On the way home I was thrilled to see a lovely deer and as I was about to take a photo of her I noticed something moving in the grass, and then I saw this tiny little wobbly baby. Just hope they are safe as they were where I have seen people walking their dogs.(See extras).
Did a lot of gardening in the morning and groomed my friends dog for a big dog show on Thursday near Birmingham. It has now clouded over and looking like rain is on the way.
Thank you all for the lovely comments, congratulations, stars and hearts for my 2,000 blip which put little Daisy on the number one spot of Popular.

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