
Lest you think I have gone on safari to distant sun kissed shores, let me disabuse you. This is a shop window in Bruntsfield at 6 :30 am on a sunny morning. The latter fact is enough to make one feel on holiday, given that it seems to have been grey, cloudy and unseasonably cold for most of the last week. The temperature, was still only 8° but even that’s bearable if the sun is shining.

I waken so early these mornings when it is light just after 4am that it is a pleasure to walk the streets before breakfast when the weather is clement, the case pullers are not yet out and about and I’m not having to manoeuvre round them on narrow pavements.

The sun stayed out while I did some food shopping but disappeared as I entered the Rabbit Hole for lunch. I didn’t meet any rabbits alive or preserved in a pie, but I did meet my friend for the restaurant’s reasonable priced lunch menu.
I felt suitably attired as the White Rabbit when she asked my why I was wearing two watches. The answer is too complicated to explain, although suffice it to know that each arm tells the correct time .

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