Glory Days...

By emkingcol

My favourite present

After a manic Christmas Day, it was time to don the onsies, kick back and get the feet well and truly up.

We vowed not to leave the house or open the front door under any circumstances. Then I realised I was low on fags;)

So after my brief trip down the shop we kicked back etc

We opened most of the presents today and consumed food that is only reserved for Christmas. You know, the type of stuff that if you buy two then the next one is free or any three for a fiver. Either way, it is all the same colour!

Got some great presents from the wife...some trainers, a wallet, a moody Ralph, a spa day, some slippers, aftershave, Apple TV box and my favourite present that is in the picture.

Wonderful day all round so what better way to get back into the wonderful world of blip:)

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