
By astudyinscarlet

bulbs againagain

so, after the crocuses and the daffs come the hyacinths (tho admittedly still with the daffs in the background for today). i can't see it being a great blip day, what with it being grey and miserable and me going to work (and early, for at least one meeting, at that, plus phone calls to ascertain why i have been paid an even smaller pittance than i was expecting), so i thought i'd post early for once. i was torn between this and a pleasingly bleached-out macro, but i like the DOF and hint of colour. it's a bit dark top right, but it's that kind of day, and i'm sticking to my no photoshop rule til 365, so you'll have to lump it if you don't like it!

i may update later, or possibly just whine a lot tomorrow instead...

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