Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Silly Catbirds

Every spring I look forward to the arrival of our summer birds, among them the Gray Catbirds.  There is something about these elegant looking little birds that I just love - maybe it is that they aren't shy, or their soft gray color, or their incredible vocabulary or just the many entertaining things they do.  Or maybe it is that they are wonderful to photograph.  Well, whatever the case, I had to go with this one for today.  It was plucking berries from our shadbush tree, fighting each one off the branch since they really aren't ripe yet.  I liked the pose, with the tail straight up like a wren.  If only I could share all the sound effects with you...

It was mostly all about the birds today and I've posted three other shots on Flickr, starting HERE with Missus Bluebird who laid her second egg today.

Had my third cardiac test today and results are all positive thus far.  A few minor changes and I should live to a ripe old age.  That's the plan.

Mom and Dad are in Montana, still heading west with stops along the way to geocache and do some walks.  As for me, I'm still missing them very much.  

Thank you so very much for the love on yesterday's little shiny fly - much appreciated!


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