Rosie and her Christmas tree

This afternoon I was very late leaving the house to ride to the sanctuary and I didn't have time anymore to look for a blip before my walk with one of the dogs. The Heron was sitting on top of the oriental structure at the small pond again but it was my first walk with a dog I hadn't walked before and I normally don't take the camera out of my bag until I know the dog that I'm walking a bit better. I'd hoped to find something to blip when I'd taken Danzas back to the sanctuary but by then it was already getting too dark so I let Rosie have a closer look at her Christmas tree when I got home and took a few shots of her. I usually don't let her get this close to it as she would demolish it within minutes.

I learned some sad news when I arrived at the sanctuary. After several months Thelma, a lovely female German Shepherd dog mix who I used to walk quite a bit before she was eventually adopted, had been returned to the sanctuary because she had apparently bitten someone. All I can say is that she'd never shown any aggression towards me on our walks together and that she had never even attempted to bite me either.

I'll try to catch up on replying to comments when I get back upstairs from spending some time with Rosie this evening. I hope everyone had a good Boxing Day.

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