A Jug of Flowers
The weather is just about perfect today, and Dana and I headed downtown to pick up Claire's graduation gift. We went to Peet's for coffee and I must say, it wasn't very good. I can remember the days when I didn't think any coffee was good if it wasn't from Peet's. Now there must be four or five coffee places within spitting distance of Peet's. I don't know how these places make a go of it, but they seem to have become a daytime version of a British pub...a place to meet friends or (in the case of coffee places) stare at a computer....
Our neighbors' daughter is coming to talk to us about Scotland and I was rummaging around through old photo albums and mementoes when I came across this picture painted by Matthew at the Grange Home School in Edinburgh in about 1974. He was about four. Well, HE says he painted it but his brother and sister insisted that the teacher did 'most of it'. I didn't really care who did it, I just liked it, so it hung on the living room wall for years, and was always a topic of discussion when the family was gathered there.
Somehow I don't think Matthew's kindergarten art work is what Lexi and John had in mind when they asked if they could come to talk to us about Scotland, but it certainly has been the subject of some lively family conversations over the years....
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