twinned with trumpton


To the office! Headphones deployed from 0745 and there they stayed for the majority of the day.  Michael Marra seemed appropriate. Then Biosphere's J Plants ; his ode to Japan's nuclear power stations. Soothing and sinister.

Lunch with Her; coffee and flapjack at Rudi's. 

Then with holidays booked, mileage logged and reports written I spent a husky voiced 90 minutes catching up on phone calls. 

Out at nearly 6; train tickets collected, Tom's birthday present from his grandparents procured and asparagus and Stella  bought, I went to dinner at Hers. 

Quiet. Which was good as we've both got early starts on Friday.

The view from the office. Ideally I want a blip by someone else of me blipping the person who's in mine who's checking theirs...

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