
By LifeLines


My first week back at work after my week of leave.  I've definitely felt the benefit for my time off.  I feel more balanced and calm.  It has been a week of busy and positive meetings mixed with a few less positive interactions and the funeral of our colleague.  

There have been some lovely things outside of work too.  An evening at Goodwood on Wednesday for Andy's golf club welcome evening  - this involved revisiting The Kennels where we were married which brought back happy memories. We managed to get a free day pass to the health suite so I am looking forward to using that!  

Then on Thursday, on a beautiful sunny evening, I returned to my yoga class at Tuppenny Barn.  After not going for a month or so, I could feel how stiff I had become and how much good the postures were doing for me - physically and mentally.  Its a wonderful calm and inspiring place.  They had just gathered the honey from their bee hives so I'm going to return to get some jars when their shop is open.  

I'd contacted my yoga teacher at the weekend to apologise for not having been to the class for so long and he reminded me that yoga is not just about going to the classes and doing postures but much more an approach to life and one in which doing no harm, including to yourself, is practiced.  He said not to worry about coming to classes if it didn't work for me right now but perhaps instead to have a walk in the woods or next to the sea to relax my mind and body.  I was really touched by his message.  

This evening I've been preparing a new batch of camomile tea.  I have mixed fennel seeds and coriander seeds in with the camomile.  I now have a little paper bag filled with this stuff to take to work!

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