My mum's started couriering our beloved Manchego triangles back in her hand luggage after a bit of persuasion! Oh my goodness it's delicious!
It's been a busy week but it's flown by in a way! After a cool but bright week, the rain came down in full force today so it's not really feeling like June.
My colleague was off sick for a few weeks before half-term. I wasn't expecting her to return this week but she did- well, until Wednesday anyways. It's been tricky because it's like running two classes and making sure the both have the right work etc. That part's fine because we work together, but it's the time it takes to fill in the poor teaching assistant who's been drafted in to go it alone....
I felt a bit low over half-term, and finally admitted to a mutual friend that S having cancer this year hasn't helped. Of course it's not her fault, but I think supporting someone who's going through something so awful does tend to wear one down. I felt bad admitting to it, but I (rightly) suspected that our friend, T felt the same. We had a good chat about it, and I suppose it's nice to acknowledge it even if all we can do is plod on.
I think I'm better when I'm busy. I have no plans for the summer yet, and I'd quite like an adventure, but the dinero is a problem!
I hope to meet up with a guy from online dating this weekend. I want to move forwards in my personal life, I want to be happier.
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