Return to Gargunnock House

After lunch today, with rain forecast, we took a little trip back to Gargunnock House and the walled garden. The rhododendrons are starting to shed their flowers and making little coloured carpets round their stems. A few, like the one above, are still in full bloom.
We spotted a small tree with some rather attractive white flowers and, after talking to another passing dog walker, decided that it was a form of tree peony. If anyone out in blip-land knows better, please let me know.
Those borders in the walled garden are rammed full of flowers -and bees. I found out why, there are two beehives tucked away in a quiet corner of the garden.
After returning home we pottered about the garden a while but the rain finally did arrive, forcing us indoors. It is currently stair-rods outside but will stop sometime soon, I hope!

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