Decisions decisions...

I was working this morning. 
Morning surgery is "meant" to be from 9-11am, with emergency appointments available until 11.30am.

I walked in to hear the nurse on the phone saying, "if you bring him down, I'll triage him as appointments are full"... NEVER a good start on a Saturday morning!

The wonderful nurse triaged two patients over the morning, one staying in, the other going home after I managed to excuse myself to have a look.

4 hours and 16 patients later, multiple cups of tea gone cold outside the consulting room, an obvious odour of damp dog clinging to my clothes and hair and a little patch of urine on my sleeve (don't ask), I emerged feeling a tad dishevelled and bursting for the loo!

It had been a hard morning with some challenging cases but this was compensated for by lovely patients and grateful owners. That doesn't often happen.

I felt very weary as I trudged home. The temptation for a snooze was strong. I actually made it onto my bed as I needed to lie in silence for a while.

Then, my eldest came home from university having emptied and cleaned his flat for the end of his first year. 6'3" and not too big for a cuddle with his mammy. A strange feeling thinking that this time last year he was still technically a schoolboy.

I felt a strong urge to spend some time with him so was chuffed when he readily agreed to come on a dog walk with me.

Today's Blip choices were a rather menacing mono of a Carrion Crow, a cheeky Roe Deer in the long grass, or these wild poppies growing in the verge.

As my son had lifted my spirits, a splash of colour won.

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