Michaela Turns 13!!

The forecast was for rain all day, but thankfully it didn't start raining until this evening.  It has been cooler, dull and breezy.

Day off work, and up early to work on the roof.  The last tile has been placed, and also got the guttering pipes up too.  Mam and dad popped by after lunch, and I headed into Lerwick with mam for some shopping.  We also met up with sister Laura.  Been down to bro Jonny's this evening, headed along Laura too, before getting back home.

It's niece Michaela's birthday today, and I still can't believe she's turned 13, and now a teenager.  The years go so fast, but I do love watching them grow.  There was a big family turn out, and she was loving it.  Ruth made some lovely cake, while Jonny sorted us all with a cuppa.  Here's a proud Michaela, with both her proud grannies.  Jeanette (Kerr) on the left, and mam Pat on the right.  Taken at Bigton.  

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