Exam Time
Squirrel had a 'grading' this morning (an exam to see if she can more to the next level towards the next coloured belt …….. think karate and judo).
She seemed to be more measured and 'technical' than the rest in the group, but she will need to wait until next week to find out how she did.
She would have been well warmed up and stretched by the time she got to the hall -- this bit of corridor is about 1/4 of the distance from the front door.
We took them for cake and drinks to celebrate afterwards.
Maybe we shouldn't have bothered because they were being horrible afterwards.
I grabbed the camera and went out to the garden for ages to get away from them.
How many of the pictures can you identify from the 9 pictures Starting Here?.
Later in the afternoon they had improved their behaviour enough for me to take them to the park for an hour before dinner.
After dinner there were more arguments between them as to whether it was to be baths or showers. So it was one in the bath and the other in the shower. There were still arguments even though the were in different rooms!
Kids ……… who would have them?
It wont stop with them going to their beds (in 3 minutes) …….. because I still have to go and collect Bags and hubby from the airport.
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