The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

No Turning Back

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Mary Doll came round after her cycling lesson today. She is still having problems turning so the instructor set up traffic cones for her to weave around. She was slightly disappointing as she hadn’t quite managed to stay within the required 9ft of the cones, and said her instructor, David had given her a bit of a chat.

“David says that I am EASILY capable of doing it but the problem is *points to head* all up here”

I got a tutting for suggesting that David may not be the first person to have made that suggestion.

I had to take Murphy to the vet for his itchy legs. He is now the perfect dog in the waiting room. The receptionist LOVES him. He sits obediently and wags his tail. What would be more helpful would be letting the poor vet ANYWHERE near him. It was the same woman who got down on the floor to look at him the last time this happened. Murphy thinks that this is the start of a game and gets VERY excited.

At least this time, I didn’t have to untangle her hair from his paws.


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